Thursday, February 9, 2012

New Search Engine Pays You Money

New Search Engine Pays You Money that right unlike Google which make billions off us the user .We meaning anyone who will be willing to share the news about this new search will be allow to gain profit sharing.Now you may ask what's it going to cost me. Here's the best news .It not about you paying any money .Nope !! It' about help the new search engine grow in popularity. So no cost is required just help spread the word . Use a short url to spread the word too. Wazzub is hot and growing fast .They spent 2 million dollars to get this launched . Much time and effert has been done to explode this on to the internet. Come join us as we grow and all Occupy money into our pockets.Isn't it time the small guy got a piece of the money $$$$$ Pie.This is something we all can do just spread the words . This opportunity has never been seen before online and maybe never again. There nothing to give but to share the news and nothing to loose and everything to gain. Come on with me.I need $$$ cash in these hard times and so do you. I been online making money for years and I am successful because I do not sly away from opportunity.I grab it with both and hands and run to the bank.